"Secretive" way of making fun of lesbians...
"What's the difference between a Wheat Thin and a lesbian?
"One's a snack cracker, and the other is a crack snacker"
The most SUPER DUPER AWESOME comic made by truckstoptiger5. Give it a read. Contains a guy wanting to fuck/murder his boy bestie
"yoooo my sneaky link!!!"
"What's a sneaky link?"
"From One Wheat Mark, obviously 🙄"
one wheat mark is a comic on instagram by truckstoptiger05 it is an au of the hit netflix series Stranger Things (season two)
i am reading my favorite comic! one wheat mark ^_^
Any type of residue remaining on/in between the crack your behind after using the bathroom. This includes feces, TP, blood, semen...or whatever else you're into...
I took off her G-string, and homegirl was rockin' some Cheek Wheat...I guess that defines butt-floss.
A derogatory term for a south Asian.
"Yo Raj, you ain't black and you ain't white, y'all whole wheat cracker"
Someone who is white but looks Latino or mixed.
"Addy? I thought she was Mexican."
"No, just a whole wheat cracker."
The book when a woman's having her period and gets a yeast infection
Damn girl are you making red wheat