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senpai kitten whiskers

Someone who is very good in bed a freaky and very sexy

She’s senpai kitten whiskers

by dillpicklelikklewittle36 March 28, 2024

senpai kitten whiskers

Means that your very cute with a big bottom and if someone ask you to call you this they usually want you someone who is a senpai kitten whiskers is very sexy and good in bed and freaky

She’s so senpai kitten whiskers

by dillpicklelikklewittle36 March 28, 2024

whisker stain

when you finish performing oral sex and have left over body fluids on the corners of your upper lip

Jessica, clean your whisker stains before going outside in public

by mert mcdergin November 29, 2023


Freckles occurring on the fridge of a persons nose.

Shakko’ new photo set featured her 🦊whiskers prominently, she is such a 🦊

Shakko nose freckles are like 🦊whiskers.

by RhinoGT November 2, 2022

Boney Whiskers

An unshaved penis.

My dude last night has a terrible case of the Boney Whiskers.

by Pickles247 March 5, 2018

Wet the Whiskers

When a female with a full bush of pubic hair urinates

Sally really needed to wet the whiskers but the restroom was occupied

by Humanised Centipede August 31, 2017

whisker brisket

The unshaven vagina of a woman with abnormally large labia.

Her whisker brisket reminded me of a handful of roast beef on the barber’s floor.

by AC Papa Bear November 6, 2020