1 - The initial masculine emotion that procedes after planning a big event.
Dumb guy: What are we going to do in Vegas?
Smart guy: Whoop it up! ...you dumb bitch.
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An ironic exclamation of approval or pleasure in an event in which the observer is actually bored or unimpressed.
Him: Hey! If we hurry and get back to my place by eleven, we can still catch The Simpsons!
Her: Whoop Dee Doo!!
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The act of firing one's lasers, typically annihilating the victim completely, this term originated with the comical short flash film: "Syntax Error 2", and was made famous by the youtube film: "The Lazer Collection".
Shooping or Shooping Da Whoop, as it's known in verb tense, is done with an eccentric cartoon expression with bulging eyes and a wide gaping mouth. It's often known to be done at random.
Head of Common Mockery: "I am the head of common mockery. I will grant you three wishes."
Random Boy: " woa, is that true? Are you really gonna grant me three wishes?"
Head of Common Mockery: "No. My real purpose here is to FIRE MY LASERS, GAGHH!!!"*Shoop Da Whoop*
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A Justified Ass Whooping is when you beat or physically harm or hurt someone or a particular individual for doing something wrong to you or doing a negative act towards you.(BASICALLY GETTING REVENGE BY GIVING THEM A CAN OF WHOOP-ASS FOR THAT PERSON DOING DIRT TOWARDS YOU).
Fighting one on one and beating the person who deserves to get their ass beat(When it comes to a Justified Ass Whooping you get revenge by beating the person's ass for doing or saying bad things about you or towards you and you get away with it.(YOU,USE NO WEAPONS,NO FORM OF VEHICLES,AND ESPECIALLY YOU DO NOT JUMP OR INCLUDE ANY PEOPLE IN YOUR FIGHT,NIETHER DO YOU INCLUDE ANY ANIMAL'S)YOU JUST PHYSICALLY & BRUTALLY BEAT THEIR MOTHAFUCKING ASS!!!!
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An ironic exclamation used to express a complete lack of interest and/or enthusiasm.
Similar to, though more subtle than, "Who gives a fuck?"
Paul: "Rob Schneider's got a new movie coming out!"
Beverly: "Oh, really? Whoop-dee-shit!"
23๐ 4๐
A Shoop da Whoop happens is when you concentrate a massive amount of win in your mouth(called chargin mah lazer), and then Releasing it via a laser beam(called FIRIN' MAH LAZER!). A Shoop da Whoop can also be canceled by putting something in the mouth of the charger, such as a Taco. This will result in the caster releasing a royal rainbow, and swallowing his own LAZER.(IMMA SWALLOWED MAH LAZER!)
IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZR! SHOOP DA WHOOP (launches Taco in mouth)
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An african-american style threat obtained on the account of insubordination often from parent to child (as well as other exchanges). It is not strictly limited to african-americans. Although it is usually just an empty threat used to express reproval, it very well can be followed by a severe beatdown or whoop. The whooping itself can be performed using accessories such as a belt.
O hell no, son, you better not eat that last piece of chicken or im gon' whoop yo' ass!
I heard you dropped outta school and gon' to jail. Thats my boy! But now i heard that you be foolin wid dose white boys! Come here, im gon' whoop yo' ass!
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