Question commonly asked when one wants to know if another wants to get in on implied or stated action.
Jim: Do you want to get in on some of this action? *points to chips and salsa*
Pete: No thanks, I'm Good.
Jeremy: Do you want to get in on some of this action? *directs gaze toward female on which he is currently performing the Boston Tugboat*
Steves: Yes, thanks for asking! Let me get next.
Derek: Do you want to get in on some of this Taco Bell action?
Rob: Naw, I don't want none of that action.
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That means you're a dumbass for looking this up
"If the lawn mower don't start, how you gonna get the piano"
Alex "wtf"
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Well its actual meaning is getting you in Bed and having Sex.
But we better wait for his (or mOrks) explanation of the Song "LIPSTICK"
"Girl you dress to impress, I embrace you, I wanna get you in bed ha" - Taeyong's definition of putting you to sleep. ;)
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If you didn't make the child and didn't get the pleasure of making them, you don't have to take care of them.
Adult: When you grow up you should become a teacher, the kindergarteners really like you
Teen: If you do not get the pleasure do not go the measures
What is said by parents when their spoiled kids start asking for stuff they can't afford.
Michelle: So for my sixteenth birthday, I want Black Ferrari and a penguin.
Dad: You can't always get what you want.
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Smoll snitches won´t recieve any cuddles. Cause they are snitching.
(Snitching around for no reason) You won´t get anything snitching like that.
(Snitching around for areason) You won´t get anything snitching like that.
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I want to set on you on fire, but my mother doesn't allow me to burn trash. That is the perfect insult to your enemies(WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, YOU WILL GET GROUNDED).
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