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Do you want to get in on some of this action?

Question commonly asked when one wants to know if another wants to get in on implied or stated action.

Jim: Do you want to get in on some of this action? *points to chips and salsa*

Pete: No thanks, I'm Good.

Jeremy: Do you want to get in on some of this action? *directs gaze toward female on which he is currently performing the Boston Tugboat*

Steves: Yes, thanks for asking! Let me get next.

Derek: Do you want to get in on some of this Taco Bell action?

Rob: Naw, I don't want none of that action.

by Darby Bommelstein August 12, 2011

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If the lawn mower don't start, how you gonna get the piano

That means you're a dumbass for looking this up

"If the lawn mower don't start, how you gonna get the piano"

Alex "wtf"

by Davifayanbule December 25, 2015

2👍 3👎

I wanna get you in bed ha

Well its actual meaning is getting you in Bed and having Sex.
But we better wait for his (or mOrks) explanation of the Song "LIPSTICK"

"Girl you dress to impress, I embrace you, I wanna get you in bed ha" - Taeyong's definition of putting you to sleep. ;)

by eetaeyong March 30, 2021

2👍 1👎

If you do not get the pleasure do not go the measure

If you didn't make the child and didn't get the pleasure of making them, you don't have to take care of them.

Adult: When you grow up you should become a teacher, the kindergarteners really like you
Teen: If you do not get the pleasure do not go the measures

by WGG_1980 May 8, 2019

You Can't Always Get What You Want

What is said by parents when their spoiled kids start asking for stuff they can't afford.

Michelle: So for my sixteenth birthday, I want Black Ferrari and a penguin.
Dad: You can't always get what you want.

by haham September 8, 2012

15👍 19👎

you won´t get anything snitching like that

Smoll snitches won´t recieve any cuddles. Cause they are snitching.

(Snitching around for no reason) You won´t get anything snitching like that.
(Snitching around for areason) You won´t get anything snitching like that.

by Snitch Nr.1 December 12, 2020

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the perfect insult to your enemies(WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, YOU WILL GET GROUNDED)


I want to set on you on fire, but my mother doesn't allow me to burn trash. That is the perfect insult to your enemies(WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, YOU WILL GET GROUNDED).

by pdtd April 12, 2022

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