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Andrew Lahaie

Funny, annoying, flirts with everyone, and loooovvvvees sports!

Girl 1: hey have you seen Andrew LaHaie lately
Girl 2: no he's annoying, but funny

by __..xhipstax..__ January 31, 2015

Andrew Cordone

The darkest black person alive. Some say you can’t even blorgus.

Wow the lights went of and Andrew Cordone snuck you on me with his penis out

by Poopqeef1139 March 1, 2020

Andrew Jepsen

An Andrew jepsen is the biggest waste of sperm. If you see one you might even laugh at how pathetic his life is. He is a pissy peace of shit that should not be trusted. Over all an Andrew jepson is a pathetic faggot who slurps on fat cock.

Oh look at that guy sucking dick behind that trash can, must be an Andrew Jepsen

by Mr. master69 March 19, 2019

Andrew Ryan Rafols

Founder of Astralabs; a true huckster; conman; fraudster

Bernie Madoff was such an Andrew Ryan Rafols

by Aspiring MC March 28, 2024

Andrew Downey

Massive fucking cock. soft to hard it's 6 to 24. all his friends have 10 millimeter defeaters, but he's got a dick so long it drags on the ground behind him. you don't wanna run up on Andrew Downey, he will choke you out with his long schlong and then consume you with his urethra. He baths in money and will not hesitate to legally buy you if the opportunity arises.

Josh, "I wish my skull was being crushed by Andrew Downey's urethra right now."
Bill, "Same bro."

by vag_slayer_69 May 11, 2023

Andrew Jackson

American statesman, lawyer and general.
7th President of the United States (1829-1837)

Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States.

by slayert March 7, 2022

Andrew Jackson

The president with the most balls, but didn't know where to put them

This dude's like Andrew Jackson

by kjlkjh April 18, 2022