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A Biscuit is 50k. The lingo was made by rapper Tfemi in late 2021

His watch cost a biscuit

Half of a honeybun is a biscuit

by Xhaka July 20, 2022


A person who’s name is usually Matthew

That person is very cheerful, is fun to be around and is always laughing

Hello biscuit

by Ewe botha April 23, 2019


Biscuit is just what your looking for after a long day. She’ll always listen and give an input. Don’t let her hard exterior fool you she’s fluffy on the inside.

Emma is such a biscuit

by Youngbeauty4440 March 30, 2020

Disco Biscuits

Titties. In the 70s women didn’t wear bras often especially out to dance. So guys would call their boobs disco biscuits

Damn, you see the disco biscuits on that roller girl?

by Mrmyfriendbrentsdad January 18, 2021

Disco biscuit

Johnson, please do not feed me a discount biscuit!

Not the ecstasy, AKA, disca biscuit disco biscuit

by ElectraHerz February 2, 2022

Biscuit Fiend

1) That one fucker who always robs the biscuits from the workplace.
2) He/She/They who go absolutely bonkers for biscuits.

Fuck off Dennis you fat twat I just bought this packet of digestives! You absolute biscuit fiend!

by Pjpjk August 30, 2023

need a biscuit

when a ridiculously twiggy person (usually female) walks by and has noassatall. (see noassatall).

ex.: "Damn, that girl need a biscuit!"

by Guit-Fiddler October 26, 2013