Full on: from the idea of a water faucet being turned fully on, full on means to not hold back, to have no reservations, particularly in a relationship.
I'm sorry, I know I'm a bit full on. If I like a guy, I like him. I don't play hard to get.
The ultimate state of complete, total satisfaction - A multi-sesnsory overload rendering the groked one to a condition which prevents moving, speaking or other high functioning activity.
At the end of a full-on, double-jointed, porn star pounding, she laid there there with a coochie load, smiling and groking in fullness.
When you drop all inhibition and just do you. The act of not giving a fuck, and doing something awesome.
Man, when you sang to that chick in the bar, you went FULL CAPTAIN!
When creame of wheat or oat meal sits in a bowl for too long, and becomes molded to the bowl. When you finally take the product out of the bowl, you should have one solid mold of the bowl that you put it in.
Jason didn't eat his oat meal for several hours, and while cleaning his dishes he stumbled upon a full bowl mold. He threw it at Brandon as a practical joke.
When you fuckin for the full 3 hours 58 minutes of the movie Gone With the Wind
"Hey babe wanna go for the full wind tonight"
"Frankly dear i don't give a damn"
A Full Richter is when you cum inside someone and then IMMEDIATELY arrest them. Based on the lead character (and sex symbol) Special Agent Daniel Richter of the popular streaming crime series "The Oath" (2021).
I took this girl out last night and when she was a real freak. When she told me her darkest fantasies I knew I had to give her the FULL RICHTER.
When something is so good the only way it can be described is Full Blown Mercenary
That was Full Blown Mercenary Greg