A modern style of music with a heavy vibrato
Person 1: Hey drop that goat girl
Person 2: Hieyiahhieyiah
She is a loud and adventurous majestic creature who loves salted caramel ice cream. She also loves the borg queen and she hates the word tayce
Paralysed baby goat face timed borg queen
"Billy goat slap" the action where you grip your scrotum with your hand and slap someone with your balls
Donny billy goat slapped your mom
Bad marijuana, AKA “dirt weed”
Damnnnn soonnnnn, dis shit is goat grasss mannnnnn.
Person who wont leave till all the drugs are gone ....like a goat munching on bushes.
Feeling a sense of pride / feeling good about something you have done, only to realize you were being delusional about what you did.
Melinda: I 100% I was top three, I was feeling my goats and then I heard all of that and I'm like. Fuck you all fucking four of you.
In the old days, the goat was known as a mammal, part of the Bovidae family. In modern days, the goat has evolved into the abbreviation, greatest of all time. When one is asked if they are a goat during a game of Valorant, they are wondering if you are a skilled and valuable player. If you do not possess these qualities, you are known as a discount goat. This means you are the goat at the farm that no individual wishes to own and will send to the slaughterhouse to become a nice stew.
tohubohu #7677 is so good at Valorant, unlike da boss #7058, who is a discount goat.