The male version of a Karen. A man who is extremely petty, doesn't recognize the surrounding environment he's interacting with very well, and in general, is a nuisance to everyone else around him.
Look at that man making a scene at Burger King, he's such a Kevin!
Kevin is a very common name for people. They are typically people who are white and does not have a big cock. They are quite smart and loves masturbating
Yoo look at kevin's cock so tiny
There are 2 Kevins in this world.
The first will steal all your money and run away and not look back. Will pay you .2 dollars an hour for slave labour. Has a secret idea that he will bail his life on.
The second will destroy you at smash bros.
Me: Who are you?????!?!?!?
Kevin: Kevin
Kevin Also Known as Tall Slime Is a Name given to A nigga Who’s sweet and Gets no Bitches . One Of Kevin Biggest Fears Are 1080, Spencer, Tayshaun, And Journee
“I robbed a nigga , he such a Kevin “
a cunt
"yo have u seen kevin"
"no why would i hang around that cunt failed abortion fucker his mom shouldve swallowed him"
Kevin is a hardworking man who likes to play with dogs. He likes to cook but also to show up late to work.
That person reminds me of Kevin