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4-5 slide

It's when you stick four fingers in your mouth, and then stick five.

"Damn!! He did a 4-5 slide! No way!"

by Hans Zerek May 2, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dunkadelic Phat 5 of College Basketball

The first time 2 Phat 5 teams met in a National Championship game was in 1957. North Carolina ( UNC )beat Kansas ( KU ) who was led by Wilt Chamberlain in 3OT, 54-53. The 1957 Championship is the only National title game to go into 3OT and, it featured 2 Phat 5 programs.

The only 3OT game in history had 2 Phat 5 programs, and a young Wilt Chamberlain. Now that's Dunkadelic!!!!!

by Derrick E. Vaughan April 20, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

half your age plus 5

The general rule for the adolescent to acceptable dating , and further relations. Generally used by teens and young adults.
Has begun to be used more often in 2013, as it's becoming more socially acceptable.
Half your age plus 5.

Miley: I'm totally going to hook up with tom.
Anna: You're only 14!!!
Miley: It's fine, I've reached pubery, and I'm old enough. And considering the half your age plus 5 rule, it's fine.
Anna: He's 18...
Miley: 1/2(18) = 9 + 5 = 14.
Anna: Ahh makes sense now.

by Samoy August 29, 2013

11๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dunkadelic Phat 5 of College Basketball

From 1970 to 1979 6 of the 10 NBA Rookie's of the Year were Phat 5 players.

1. Lew Alcindor ( UCLA )- 1970*
2. Sidney Wicks (UCLA )- 1972
3. Bob McAdoo ( UNC )- 1973
4. Keith Wilkes ( UCLA )-1975
5. Walter Davis ( UNC )- 1978
6. Phil Ford ( UNC )- 1979

* Alcindor changed his name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar in 1971.

In 10 years to have 6 Rookie of the Year players the Phat 5 is just that, Phat. Now that's Dunkadelic!!!!!!

by Derrick E. Vaughan April 16, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dunkadelic Phat 5 of College Basketball

Wilt Chamberlain the first Phat 5 player to make an impact in the NBA. He's the only player in NBA history to be the league MVP and Rookie of the Year ( 1960 ) in the same season.

Wilt " The Stilt " the Phat 5 former star was the only player to average 50 points a game 50.4 ( 1962 ) in a single season. Now that's Dunkadelic!!!!!

by Derrick E. Vaughan April 15, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

How many beans make 5

Seedy sex game played in the bars of Pattaya, where a man guesses the age of a woman based on the view of her clitoris. Played as a best of 5.

Hey, fancy joining me at Noncerama for a game of "how many beans make 5"?

by fen riss August 18, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

How it feels to chew 5 gum

Feel how it chew gum to 5

Person E: How it feels to chew 5 gum

Person X: 5 how to feel it chew gum

Person Y: Feel it chew, how it 5

Person Z: How it chew to feel gum 5

by Chew how feel Gum it Five November 16, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž