Caeser Salad, much like Tossing the Salad, where you grab somones ass cheeks and you shove your tongue into the asshole, but with the caeser salad you have another person meat inside the asshole. Can be used as long at 1 or more penises are involved, as well as 3 or more people.
He tossed my Caeser Salad last night, it was amazing.
Anyone want to get dirty and toss my Caeser Salad tonight, i need 2 or more people.
When you try to toss her salad but she shits in your mouth.
Bro, lastnight I was tossing Natashas salad and lets just say I got a Disappointing salad instead.
a salader is a person who likes salad ... i mean really likes salad - they will be happy to knock up a salad at any given moment, usually without warning
one day the saladers are going to take over the world and eat salad together while patting their cats.. warning: stock up in avocados for new world order currency
Consumer of Thicc female booty. Likely to be a guy named Dalton or Stephen.
That Dalton is a Salad king, he eats ass. Good for him.
Typically a Canadian saying to indicate you have received a new haircut.
Hey Bob, looks like you got your salad tossed! Looks great!
Hey honey, I am just going to get my salad tossed. Do you need anything from the grocery store on the way back?
When a man ejaculates semen on a woman's anus and then proceed's to eat it out.
After Steve finished on Marry's anus he proceeded to give her a tuna tossed salad.