When you’re romantically and sexually attracted to luca.
“I’m luca sexual.”
when you’re romantically and sexually attracted to luca.
“guys, i think i’m luca sexual.”
“no, you’re just confused.”
When a person is racist and sexually discriminating at the same time.
"No, seriously man. I don't think any black women are attractive." "If that makes me a Sexual racist then so be it."
When you feel attracted to those simple words
nuga meonjeo gawibawibo
Also Jessi is a queen okok
I'm nuga meonjeo gawibawibo/ k.b.b sexual
A sexual act of sexual tension in sexual context
DAYUM the highlight of his Sexualness is his dingle
The sexual and emotional attraction to those who don’t or stopped feeling the same to way towards you. This attraction only causes issues for one to find their true love
I am a loner-sexual I’ll never find my true love
An individual forcing another individual to finger a female
“Yeah man I had to get sexual assistance with Denise”