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Wisconsin Whitewater University

a school for idiots in the forsaken state of wisconsin where their fans are classless and racist.

a school where they have a homosexual purple bird as a mascot

jim: hey man where do you go to school?
fag: oh i go to school at wisconsin whitewater university!
jim: dude, you must be a douche bag

by simmonite-hunter September 26, 2009

16👍 61👎

Soka University of America

A liberal-arts university located in Aliso Viejo, CA. Often considered a Buddhist school, SUA claims to be "diverse, student-centered, and humanistic." Considering that the school is barely 9 years old during the writing of this definition, it remains to be seen if it will live up to it's ambitious standards.

According to students, SUA is the "home of the weird".
The school mascot is the lion.

So where do you go to school?
Soka University of America

Where the hell is that?

by suplotus April 14, 2010

4👍 10👎

Wichita State University

The home of the Shockers. The shockers are a group of men that wear shorts which appear to be covering an overfilled diaper. They also play with each others' balls while in court. Inexplicably, a large number of "fans" (translation from French slang: morons) pay actual money to see this. Thus money could be used for extra trash bags or maybe a subscription to "Hand washing your laundry Weekly". Apparently, they also teach some classes and such there, but the bureaucratic policy of Wichita State University is to treat students as nuisance parasites who should be annoyed until eradication.

Fan (moron): Did you see the Wichita State University Shockers made it to sweet sixteen?

Student: No, I was busy thinking about my future laundry experience, I have to prioritize.

by impartial_derivative April 6, 2015

4👍 10👎

Ferris State University

The shit college. Only hotties like Sara and Eric can go there. FUck yah Ferris

I got fucked by a hot bitch at Ferris State University last weekend.

by Holla April 8, 2005

24👍 102👎

penn state university

N. Dark and evil place in which students are raped in the locker room.

Guy 1: Did you hear that Joe got accepted into Penn State University?
Guy 2: Oh Shit! He's gonna get raped in the locker room!

by FiZz CoLa June 22, 2015

15👍 56👎

Scarymount University

A college located in six miles outside of Washington D.C. in Arlington, Virginia. The university is commonly known for the high amount of estrogen on campus and the large amount of basic bitches in the fashion merchandising program. The school does not believe in Greek life so off campus parties happen at a variety of houses owned by athletes on different sports teams such as the soccer house, the lacrosse house, and the basketball house. The lacrosse house is notorious for Jersey Shore themed parties. This university is what nightmares are made of.

Scarymount University Bro: What are you doing tonight?
Fashion Merchandising Major: Uh... going to highlighter party at the basketball house after finishing my skirt for clothing construction of course!

by Scarystudent April 9, 2011

1👍 13👎

Northern Michigan University

A waste of fucking money. If you aren’t from the Midwest good luck meeting anyone you’d get along with unless you do sports. It’s the friendliest campus on the country until it’s time for the people to put in the effort to actually go out and do stuff. It’s a miserable campus, the faculty is fighting for pay after 100+ days without it and the entire school is suffering for it. NMU is basically all the people who didn’t get into MSU and are still bitter about it, on top of the bitterness they get from the cold. Good luck finding a party that doesn’t get shut down within 3 hrs and where people actually dance, instead of just stand around and talk w drinks in hand like they’re at a bonfire. Take your money elsewhere. Not only is the school shit, but literally every single landlord can and will fuck you over in some way shape or form, which makes the hole town seem like a fucking scam. 99c wraps sell for $2.50 here, to put things in perspective. Don’t get me wrong, Marquette is probably one of the prettiest areas in the country, and the nature aspect of it trumps all that is negative about the school. The locals are always kind, and willing to help with basically anything, so there’s always a smile to turn to. The UP is very roadtripable as well, and the students do it often as basically everyone goes home on the weekends. There are some sights to see here, just don’t stay for long.

“Yeah I go to Northern Michigan University for med plant chem”

“Oh so your getting an analytical chemistry degree with a background in basic biology for 3x the price of a technical college?”

by Kozie October 30, 2021

2👍 1👎