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all that meat and no potatos

Refers to an unusually beautiful and/or well-endowed woman who is clueless.

I understand why Todd likes Bonnie, but whoa, talk about a case of all that meat and no potatos!

by Jim&Sally February 18, 2009

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all american muslim

a reality t.v. show that is an embarrassment to muslims

and that should be known as "all american lebanese ppl"

"hey u c tht show all american muslim?"
"ya i was embarrassed as hell!"

by angelbla November 29, 2011

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All of the downs and the uppers

A reference to drugs, both depressants (downs) and stimulates (uppers). Commonly used together (alcohol and marijuana) to further remove one's self from reality than either one alone.

Tonight I'm trying all of the downs and the uppers

by kingjo3y April 13, 2016

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Typing in all lowercase

Typing in all lowercase is when you change your setting so that you do not use uppercase letters in text and means you love to be penetrated by men

im so gay i am typing in all lowercase

by Djejwbs November 10, 2022

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Is a statement you scream as loud as you can in a public place any time it gets awkward or quiet. Originated from: Fly by Sugar Ray where the music dies down for a moment and the singer screams the quote very loud and awkwardly.

.... So mike did ever ever cure your disease?.. What disease man?... Oh you don't remembered? It went ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

by GabeYooka May 31, 2015

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all fagged out

When you are tired of watching tv sitcoms that have to introduce a gay character.

Man, now (insert crappy sitcom title here) has introduced a gay character. I'm all fagged out of these gay characters.

by Will Bodie March 12, 2008

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All Forgotten

A hard rocking punk band from surrey!!

man all forgotten are hardcore

by Dan October 27, 2004

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