The animation squad . A team of people who make animation storytime videos on YouTube . All friends and I'm a big fan of them
*There is no transcendant meaning blahblahblah Jordan Peterson rhetoric
Hym "Ok, 'If *Jordan Peterson is wrong, people are just animals' is a thing Alex O'Conner unironcally just said on triggernometry just now. So, that's where the 'plant' accusations are coming from. And it's adjacent to the psychopathic 'If God isn't real then I get to do whatever I want.' Rhetoric. But you were doing that anyway and then using the religion to forgive yourself for doing that anyway. And Alex is a determinist. Without free will there is no meaning. The meaning of all your actions is 'the chemicals in your brain (and I know I'm being reductive here but the logic still tracks) made you do the thing you're doing. Determinism totally incompatible with meaning but NOT totally incompatible with God."
A logical fallacy when netizen dismiss other netizen's opinion just because s/he is/they are using anime avatars/profile images
The example of reductio ad anime:
Waifu avatar? Splish-splash, your opinion is trash
Hentai avatar? Opinion discarded
Any netizens who use anime avatar can shut the fuck up
Someone who is willing to have intercourse with an animal or is simply attracted towards animals
Josh: Dude, did you hear about john?
Bill: Yeah I did. I hear he fucked a cow. What an animal pirate.
1👍 1👎
When you and another send explicit texts/ photos that lead the other on
Grace and Michael had some nice D.A.T last night (Dirty animal time)
How everyone refers to me.
Wow, Lilly you are a hot anime babe!
Anime guys is a synonym for lesbians. In other words, all anime guys are lesbians and one who is sexually attracted to an Anime guy has a mental illness called jskfjsksaj
Anime guys are lesbians