A verb for action of drinking lean from double cup
Double cupping with my buddy bitch
It’s when someone is being very over dramatic.
The music teacher decapitating his student is “dropping cup”.
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When two wet buttholes are pressed together and pulled apart and a suction popping noise occurs.
That Russian Suction Cup left me weak.
When two individuals scissor with moist buttholes, causing the buttholes to suction when pulling apart.
That was the best Russian Suction Cup I've ever experienced.
Hym "The Reeces big caramel cup? It fucking slams! Have you had it yet? No? Go buy one immediately! Don't have any money? Go rob an old lady. Allergic to peanuts? I don't care! Eat it anyway! Do it anyway! Die knowing that you died the best conceivable death... It's good! It'll be the first thing I buy when I get paid. Reeces big caramel cup. Use it... To lure children to their demise. I know I will! Reeces... They wasted money on marketing because no ad they make will ever be better than this."
When you fart in your hand present it to your ‘friend’s nose.
Hey Jimmy! Here’s a cup of gold for you! Enjoy!
Rose gagged when Cliff presented her with her first cup of gold.
A baby’s clenched fist when they are hungry
Ohhhh he’s got the fisty cups!!! He must be hungry