When your stomach and penis float to the surface of the water in the tub, resembling a sea turtle popping its head up.
I have to remember to knock next time before I see another bathtub turtle.
What Sam's old lady does every night to him
She made gooey turtle right on his face
A parking turtle is the concrete block at the end of a parking spot that prevents you from driving too far
“Careful not to hit the parking turtle”
A rare animal that lives and thrives in the sewers of large grease using places. Usually found at restaurants and large kitchen's.
Damn ricky look at the size of those grease turtles
A gerentocratic member of government who has a reptuation for elitism, dishonesty, and possible clandestine backing from the permanent institutions of state and the bureaucracy, the military-industrial complex, or corporate lobbyists, popularly referred to as "the swamp."
I believe in truth and justice as the next guy, but the only way you this bill passed is by letting those swamp turtles water it down in committee and earmark it with pork.
A term used for getting gnar or fucking shit up.
Did you see him shit on the counter? That was so Turtle Smasher!
A boy who is gay and claims to be a turtle. They tend to enjoy anus.
Wow Erik the turtle sure loves anus!