Going to McDonald's for a salad
Person: What did you do today?
You: I was quavving a twat
Person: Bitch, why would you get a salad at McDonald's?
When a University of Wyoming student sleeps with multiple Tech students and pretends to hate Tech students.
"Brenda is such a techer twat"
"I know that's like the 8th techer she slept with this week"
When two twats slap. Hardcore scizzoring
The two lesbians were sore after twat slapped each other vaginas last night
People in high school that do things because they seem cool/funny but in reality are extremely dumb, useless, or even harmful
Plenty of high school twats submit names to Urban Dictionary in attempts to pathetically praise their crush, promote their own image, or roast people they dislike
A scenario where a single person, with a God Complex, tries to obliterate a highly skilled team of successful people, in front of management, with completely made up bullshit, zero fact or sense behind it, to hide their own lack of knowledge.
A gaggle of women talking shit. Usually after you’ve done something stupid or humiliating.
Look at that twat pot talking shit about you, Linda. I told you she wasn’t into butch women.
When the significant other, while munching on her whisker biscuit, empties out the entire warm stomach contents from that nights buffet, into her vagina.
Date night went rather well UNTIL Ronnie gave me a Hot Twat Buffett. I haven't seen him since.