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Who dun'it

A girl or guy who steals your shit then helps you look for it .

Don't let that who dun'it in your place shit will come up missing

by 333bam September 14, 2024

who tf asked

whenever someone walks up to you and says “I just got free ice cream” you say “who tf asked”

Angela: I got free ice cream!

Dan: who tf asked

by sussy dictionary man May 31, 2022

Trying to find who asked

Something gingers say when they are losing the argument.

Joey: your gay
Brendan: I’m trying to find who asked, let’s have anal sex
Joey: who asked
Also Joey: gets arrested for insulting a girl

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 9, 2023

who took your phone

Another from of saying who took your virginity

So, tell me, who took your phone Frankie;)?

by potnoodlehehe February 11, 2021

twat who thinks they own everything


lochie is the twat who thinks they own everything.

by midnight_memories2536 April 9, 2021

who lagged back

a certain fellow just lagged back. do you know who?

didnt vitaaal say that one thing about who lagged back”

by bwepis April 28, 2022

a bitch who needs to chill

A bitch who needs to stfu and go suck some dick and hop off mine

a bitch who needs to chill

by randomglogirl December 23, 2022