Until a female that tells people what to do is prepared to also be the same asshole the males who do the same thing are, there won't be any real social justice, it's just talk that sounds good and might even be popular for a while with some people as a phrase. Females don't want the social stigma males get from being the asshole, but they want what they see as the benefits of it, when in reality males aren't given any more respect than any other group of people, nobody is. Any respect earned is also respect that can be lost, and nobody owes anybody respect.
A lot of people want to be an asshole or do what an asshole, they just don't want to be known as an asshole ( get the negative press for it, become the scapegoat) when it's no longer trending (when they're outnumbered by people that don't think of themselves as assholes or jerks).
A type of person seen as self devoting to making the lives of everybody around them a bit worse than they were a minute before they met each other. That term can be however used by one such person to hide the fact of what they really are, a callous piece of shit.
Did you see that prick who calls himself an asshole go last night? The moment he drove home from the party, he reached down for his phone and crushed three bushes from Derek's front yard and we never heard from him since.
An abrasive personality like sandpaper.
Everybody can see why that asshole was always single, whether it was at 22 or any other age. Nobody was shocked by that.
A person you like, love, or care about that has pissed you off a lot
My boyfriend was an asshole last night when he kept teasing and making fun of me.