It’s a nice morning at your friends house, after you wake up from an insane sleepover your friend offers you a nice big bowl of cereal, you wonder why everybody stares at you smiling as you eat it, wait why does it taste weird?.. It turns out the milk is all of your friends combined semen Hahaha
Bro let’s give john some fake cereal >:)
dude your so evil
shut the fuck up
Someone who although might have been in the Marines completely dishonors the name living their life like some douche who peaked in high school who lies cheats commits tax fraud scams people and beats women
Blaine Harold is a fake Marine
When a retarded snail gets mixed with one to many chromosomes and sprouts human legs
“Did you see how much Johnny was a fake ran yoda last night?”
A girl who dress like a Male bit a girl. Shes not lesbian so she's a fake dyke.
Fake dyke.
when a you invite a person and they agree to go but they make you think they weren't gunna come.
I showed up late on purpose it was A Flake Fake.
When a person makes a luxury cake using supermarkets ingredients using no mixer and no oven. First coined by Anges de Sucre.
Reshmi made a fake bake of the pink wink cake for a tenner.
when a workplace piling up someone's numbers of works before or after that person got his/her vacation because the workplace afraid of losing their money by having that person off work for a period of time.
"im quiting"
"why? i thought giving you vacation was enough?"
"well, they are just fake vacation ."