The area above the breast that is equivalent to the forehead of your face.
Wow did you see Kaylin showing off her fore boob today?
the act of uncontrollable boob jittering.
oh hi brad i have hyper boob D:
A more technical term for what a shemale actually is. A male with breasts rather than female with a dick.
That's not a dick girl that's a boob boy.
Boob Dube: Any marijuana joint that has been rolled by a girl. May include the use of glitter, coloured rizzla and stencilled animal pictures on it!
John: dude pass the jay!
*it gets passed*
John: what the ef, this thing looks like it was rolled by a chick!
Steve: it was... by my girlfriend ... it's a Boob Dube!
When Corbyn is going for the high-five but lacks the execution and bumps you in the boob instead.
(An extremely awkward high-five, created by Jeremy Corbyn on national TV)
Jezza gave her the high-boob, perhaps the most awkward encounter I've ever seen.