On December 30th we all play cool maths games one last time before it shuts down for forever on January 1st 2021
Coolmathgames day will commemorate the death of cool maths games...
RIP cool maths games.com
A full day of sustained social drinking.
John: What did you guys do yesterday?
Alex: Me and Phil did a day sesh.
On January 12, women must accept ALL requests they receive from men to feel their boobs.
Man 1: “could I touch your tiddies for a moment? It is Feely Day”
Woman: “fine. Just once.”
On November 7th everyone fathers together celebrate Mikayla day where we celebrate all Mikaylas.
Let's throw a party! It's Mikayla Day!
Based Day is when your birthday is based off the day you were born.
Happy Based Day
The act of wearing internally a butt plug during the day, all day.
Ie that dude from the climbing gym didn’t pick his bike up on the secret trailhead entrance and brought a friend, he is such a day plugger.
Known to commoners as December 1st. Mayo Day refers to the huge cumsplosion that occurs on December 1st by those who were able to surpass the hellscape that is NNN (No Nut November).
Bro, I can't wait for Mayo Day.