When something is so fucked up its fuckered up
I just finished building the wall, But it looks all fuckered up!
Daniel whenever he feels the need to share his various experiences of having sex once and smoking THC
pretentious cunt fucker cunt bitch cunt retard
Daniel: I have a woman that looks like she came out of Chernobyl
Costa: shut the fuck up cunt
Daniel: mAd CuZ jEaLoUs
when you hate someone SO much and you want to call them a name
you. are such a Window Fucker jim
A slurr to use against the British
Get some braces you crumpet fucker
a slur of loft lotus because theyre fucking british and that embarrassing
oh my hod that crumpet fucker is being embarrassing
a girl who only pays to have sex. even though they are desperate. AKA your mom.
person 1 "bruh did you hear what timmy did"
person 2 "no what happen"
person1 " he was doing a blow job to sophie, and then after sophie wanted him to pay her 1000$
person2 " wow what a money fucker
someone who loves money so much they would abandon there family for it, kind of like a jew.
your moms a money fucker