A complete shit team who can’t win any fucking games except for the shit academy teams.
The Jackson middle school basketball team 2018-2019 is so bad.
Team SandBaguette(or TSB for short) is a French crew for the Smash Brothers fan game Super Smash Flash 2
Team SandBaguette is going for the upset!
Or TSB for short is a SSF2 crew with EU players, like: Tanasquad236, Mourad, pHacique-7, Yuxraal, Gene, Zizou23YT, NewishSimple.
Yo, Team SandBaguette are turning the tables!
a fortnite team full of Gaymers constantly getting dem victory royales. the team consist of some pc boys who likes to dance on dem haters and the console players aka wannabe faze swayers. the avrage penis size is 8inces so you do not wanna get innto a game with theese madmen.
random guy: sees someone in acid in the kill feed
random guy's duo: oh fuck we are a gainst team acid
(mech noises apper)
random guy: it must be team acid
A team full of sexy boys touching themselves daily, they are straight up GAYmers. destroying everyone else in: Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox
guy in team acid: Wassup boy
random guy on street: hello...
guy in team acid: are you gay?
random guy on street: No
guy in team acid: you are a homophobe
A gay group full of sexy boys who like touching themself, they are real deal with big shlongs they like to use as swords, the team is alo GAYmers who plays: GAYcraft GAYnite and StraightIsn'tOk. They will win all the upcoming swordfights, and a bounus is their PH Account with 1+mil followers, don't mess whit theese boys or they will tie you up and do things to you if you are a boy.
Team acid member going down the street: sup
random guy on street: im getting the fuck outa here
A flock ae numptys that run abt in hundreds batterin n torturin poor wee uni students thinkin theyr the shit
Dunce 1 “yu wan ae us St. Andrews young team boys aye?
Normal guy “naw wy?”
Dunce 1,2,3-200 “aye mate ur gettin yur cunt kicked in wat yu mean yer naw wan ae us?”