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A beautiful woman inside and out. Protective of those she loves. Intelligence, creativity and love abound in her. Her eyes are the windows to her soul. Deep blue= Look out, she is delving into the depths of your soul. If you did anything wrong to purposefully hurt her or another, you will be hit with her wrath. Medium blue- She's playful and will tease you and please you. Enjoy! Light blue- She is feeling sweet and will love you with all of her being. Count yourself lucky. Marie's eyes will tell you a lot, but beware as she can use those eyes to see what those around her are feeling. She will physically feel the joy, pain, hurt etc of those around her. You can NOT hide anything from her. She may allow you to believe you have fooled her, but you should not fool yourself. She knows! Marie is queen of love. All are drawn to her and yet she is unaware of her powers. Even animals gather. She is silly and can be a homebody. However, once she is out and about, she will have the most fun and will not ever want to let the fun end.

I had a Marie day. Sure wish all days were Marie days!

by Devensz March 14, 2022


Omg where do I begin?
First of all she's super hot. Like look at her?? Yess that's my bestiee over there!

She has a very kind heart, is smart and adorable but... be careful. That girl could kill you in a heartbeat.
She is the type of friend who will sneak out and rob a bank with you, take you out to get bubbletea or play games. She sounds amazing right? Well she sure is.
Be thankful if you know a Marie.

You can trust her to 100%

Be like Marie <3

Marie has such a pretty smile.
"Hey Marie! Wanna get boba??

by Grete November 22, 2021


The most amazing girl you will ever meet. She's loyal and beautiful at the same time. A Marie will never let you down. Completely upposite of a Maria

Guy to another guy: My girlfriend is totally a Marie
Other guy: Damn you're lucky. I wish i had a Marie

by Nikogjayfanatiker January 30, 2017


The definition of beauty.
Ex. I wish I looked like Marie, she's perfect!

I wish I looked like Marie, she's perfect!

by slaytheday123 February 9, 2022


She's cute, so don't kill her.

According to the United States of America, "She's kinda cute."

Person 1:"Hey, isn't that Marie?

Person 2:"Yeah she's so cute.
Person 1:"Alright I'm killing her."
Person 2: *kills person 1*

by Simp for Marie April 22, 2023


A mean scary bitch.
Marie's usually target young children walking on their way home.
Marie's cannot be trusted

Marie’s are the definition of bitchy

by Hagopthegod123 June 21, 2023


my bitch

"I saw Marie the other day and reminded her she is my bitch."

marie: hel yeah i an

by B@r@ck O8@m@ March 20, 2023