Ouran High School Host club is a manga series written by Bisco Hatori, and was later adapted into an anime in 2006. It Follows Haruhi Fujioka, the only "commoner" in Ouran Academy, a prestigious school for rich kids. After being mistaken for a guy, she must work at the academy's host club to pay off the dept of an expensive vase that she had knocked over. The other host club members, (Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, and Mitsukuni Haninozuka) are the only ones that know Haruhi's true identity. They learn about "commoner" culture and experience many new things. They get into wild adventures as they all start to fall for Haruhi and her commoner charm! It is rated TV-14 and is a romantic comedy.
An actual scene from Ouran High School Host club:
Tamaki: It's obvious this anime is a romantic school comedy where me and Haruhi are the main characters (So that means we are love interests)!
Hitachiin twins: So then what are we?
Tamaki, pointing to everyone: That means you boys are the homosexual supporting cast!
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The pinnacle association of garage winer. The BSOC was founded in the fall of 2006. The BSOC is exclusive and its only members are the most chronic chronics. Entry is gained after either a generous presentation or consumption of weed
Is that Titties & Drew? They're in the Blunt Smokers Only Club
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Oran HSHC is an Manga created by Bisco Hatori. the series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at oran academy
and other members following the following host club. This is an Romantic comedy that aired on television on April 4th 2006 and ended with 26 episodes on September 26, 2006.
Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, a place where the Ouran Academy Host Club, a group of six male students, gathers to entertain female "clients". During their first meeting, Haruhi accidentally knocks over and breaks an antique vase valued at ยฅ8,000,000 (US$80,000 in English manga) and is told to repay the cost in service to the club. Haruhi's short hair, slouching attire and gender-ambiguous look cause her to be mistaken by the hosts for a male student. The hosts all agree that Haruhi would be a good host, thus making her join the host club. Ultimately she agrees to join the Club as a host herself (dressed as a male) in order to pay off her debt. She agrees to join since she does not mind hosting as long as she can pay the debt off faster. The hosts do later find out that she is, in fact, a girl. They keep this a secret, so no one will be able to tell.
Haruhi Fujioka
Tamaki suou
Kyoya Ootori
Hikaru and Kaoru Hitaciin
Mitsukuni (honey) Haninozuka
Takashi morinozuka
This is fun manga and anime that incorporates romance, brotherly love, friendship and family into one big romantic comedy that is sure to keep you on the edge of you're seat.
me: *watches Oran high school host club and my mom walks in, brotherly love scene comes on*
mom: what is it? what happened?
me: *wipes major nosebleed* Brotherly looovvvveeee~~~
mom: ?
Accomplish two goals or achieve two ends with one action or plan.
She: The boss is incredibly efficient at organizing his time and conserving his energy.
He: Yeah! His secret is that he knows how to kill two seals with one club.
She: What???
He: You know, accomplish two things at once.
She: You're gross!
He: Thank you.
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A bunch of crypto bros that think they know more about used 200k+ miles 1990 "flagship BMW cars" than your average gopnik adidas slavic sweaty dude but end up looking like a group of otaku dudes sniffing dark gothic anime girl feet.
- Hey I saw you bought a fake baged BMW be careful about the anti-bmw bmw club they are going to make a post making fun about you.
- Don't worry, I don't give a fuck about what those sweaty ass broke crypto bros think about my purchases
- Awesome, its your money bro.
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Bored Ape Yacht Club, where you can always ape-in but no one ever apes-out.
You can find me in the club- Bored Ape Yacht Club that is. Bored and floored with my mates. Join us.
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a pile of absoluet fucking shit that play at blundell park in cleethorpes they are in the blue square premier and they are ponces but sometimes are cheated by referees
Grimsby Town Football Club 10th lost 1-0 to a team in 22nd
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