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Internet talmudist

When an antisemitic person tries to justify their antisemitism by spreading taken out of context, mistranslated, outright false or all of them - Talmud quotes.

- do you know that Jews see goyim as animals and beasts that should only serve Jews???1
- umm could you cite the talmud verse for me?
- ummmm..okkk.. here it is

- um, there is no such verse.. i hate when internet talmudists like you try to justify their antisemitism

by legoduplo82 August 1, 2024


When you are playing an online FPS game and lose a fight because you are being subject to large amounts of lag because you either don't use an ethernet cable or use some ancient ADSL service that is capable of usually 10mbps topsy-turvy

Spack No.3: *Loses a Warzone gulag* Also Spack No.3: "FUCKING INTERNET MAN!"

by Jack Spank9049 April 11, 2022

Lower internet

1. The obscure and less accessible areas of the internet, often associated with content that is not indexed by traditional search engines and may include illegal or ethically questionable activities. These regions typically consist of anonymous forums, underground marketplaces, and other hidden networks.

2. A segment of the internet characterized by niche subcultures and communities that operate outside the mainstream, frequently involving unique cultural norms, jargon, and behaviors that are not easily visible or accessible to the general public.

When you encounter the concept of the 'lower internet' for the first time, you might think it refers to a community of marginalized people who upload trash content online.

The lower internet is a sanctuary for creators whose art is unappreciated by the masses, a refuge for those with a delicate and refined sense of beauty who, through their personal actions, create and preserve the cultural values left by their predecessors, yet despite their significant contributions to culture, have found themselves on the fringes of society.

by metaviber August 10, 2024


Bandwidth, the transmission capacity of an electronic communications device or system; the speed of data transfer: a high-bandwidth Internet connection.

Dude this download is sucking up all of my Internetability

by Alster10 September 22, 2008


being or existing multiple places on internet and/or a person's various social media sites at the same time, often times randomly or some really obscure reason

Portmanteau of internet and international.

Have y'all seen that latest post from Chika? Everyone is talking about it and it's in all my feeds, Twitter, Insta, even my Yahoo! News!! This babe has really gone internetional, overnight.

by Whoshotya? February 16, 2020


International internet usage

Internetional presence knows no boundaries.

by Hercolena Oliver October 22, 2008


International networking

Internetional networking is intermittently highly recommended.

by Hercolena Oliver October 21, 2008