Gary's Harry Truman in Oppenheimer; from Commissioner Gordon in 'The Dark Knight' to the White House. Leadership at its finest.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:
Person 1: Who's playing President Truman in Oppenheimer?
Person 2: It's Gary Oldman as Harry Truman , who else? From Gotham to the Oval Office.
To perform an uncle Harry's dog one must open up the bombing bay and drop a huge dookie in the craphouse
I just been for an uncle Harry's dog
OMG my man is a sexy beast and is soooooo nice girls should date him
hot boy Harry Kennedy
A Harry Shaw, aka shawzie, is easily identified by his mammoth head structure and terrible jokes. A Harry Shaw will usually be attracted to undeniably grotesque specimen, this is because they suit him very well (he is an ugly fucker) and they usually have a beer belly just like him!! No one likes a Harry Shaw!!
A Harry Shaw’s most common attack is calling a fellow male a ‘virgin’ despite shagging 2/10s
Fun Fact : Harry Shaw has the same body count as he does driving test failures
Young Child : “Mommy why has that boy got a fat head and belly?”
Milf: “Must be a Harry Shaw (shawzie), bet he has smegma”
Trav: “Needs his jaw spinning that cunt”
A boy who has a spiked forehead and loves playing with men especially fathers. Sometime’s racist, he loves some black people and is not liked by any of his friends or family
That kid is exactly a Harry cox
Harry cox or more well know as shaggy, is a nerd who listens to Katie Perry reason why he’s 17 and still a virgin. He also gets brutally attacked in the bum area by his famous father
Omg! Is that Harry cox, son of the famous father
The nicest boy ever literally so sweet. Harry Cox's are usually really fit and have the nicest smile ever like proper lengers. Hes also the best hugger ever and any girl to date him is the luckiest girl ever rest assured nicest boys are called harry cox. He really shy though and dont be mean to him as a joke he wont take it that way his laugh is so funny as well but his scream omg sounds like a girl but trust me if ur talking to a harry cox just marry him he a keeper i swear.
that girls so lucky she dating a harry cox