suffix, used at end of a person's name.
Similar in use fo to -san or -sama or -senpai, the intent is similar, in its attenpt by the speaker to express his closeness to the person being referred to.
> The jobs done Boss-u :3
~ Good job!
> Have your cookies finished baking yet?
~ Here they are my love-u, all for u-u :3
A group of people who are all ugly accept Zane. The others can be very stupid at times and everyone has a crush on the best member Zane.
Those U prep kids are so cool. Especially Zane.
To do something utterly disgusting but also required. The expression came about when a guy was sharing a small hotel room with his new girlfriend. After passing a stool in the morning, he discovered that the flush didn't work. Rather than face the embarrassment of letting his new flame witness his morning defecation, he dropped to his knees, grabbed the turd and manually fed it through the u-bend.
"I really don't want to do this but I've got to feed the u"
Affirmative grunt, agreeance; acceptance, something yummy or tasty.
A moan of delight.
Friend: "Hey, do you like that apple pie?"
You: " (u)Mm h(u)m!"