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G Walked

1- (verb) One who has had sex with Grant Walker
2- When someone is getting smashed on in Ping Pong

Guy #1: Dew, so what happened with you and ___?
Guy #2: She got G Walked my man

by T Rev Nasty February 11, 2012

Old Man Walking

An elder person who is 90% right in regards to historical accuracy and the present status of earthly things. Although 99% wrong when it comes to future events (including but not limited to) the fact they are still alive after having foreseen themselves dead for years.

Bob: “Old Higgins said that the economy is doomed to collapse next month…”
Ron: “Well you know he’s got old man walking. Poor guy…. He was just diagnosed a couple months ago.

by Jack of trade June 27, 2023

Make Sure To Walk Your Dog

When you roast your bro and his hoe when the relationship get's in the way.

"Sorry, mates I gotta take my girl home."
"Make sure to walk your dog safely."

by Meme_buddha October 13, 2019

walking crab

when you bang a girl in the crab position while infected with crabs and she has sex with somebody else thus infecting them the crab walk from one person to another

broski 1: "i heard she has crabs!"
broski 2: "i heard she did the walking crab with john and infected doe!"
broski 1: "the crabs walking!"

by stewy5 February 25, 2012

Pint Walk

The walking style adopted by middle aged British males when walking to the pub. Usually with one hand pocketed and the other swaying.

“I can tell he’s going for a pint

How do you know?”
“He’s got a pint walk

by English words June 3, 2023

Bridge walking


Me and Noelani went bridge walking

by Bridgewalker May 1, 2022


A person who visits fundraising walks to pick up the opposite sex.

Molly went to the diabetes walk and the breast cancer walk to pick up men.

What a walk-a-whore.

by Monika29999 November 13, 2012