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A wall on the go

A person who doesn’t want to open up to others about problems they may have, they act okay, say there fine, but they really aren’t.

Wow Chris seems to always be a wall on the go.

by Chris000000 October 21, 2017

The wall

"The story of a wall"
That's right a wall, at the young age of 14 a girl named Altha is beautiful teenage girl. she live in a one good apartment with ones with an Uknown room behind the wardrobe because of her curiosity she entered the room and saw a big hole right in someone was staring at her the hole time seeing all what she did everyday. She suddenly knew that the wall was a space of storage room and someone was living behind in it..

Lesson of the story; wash the dishes.

Written by me of course

But credit to the owner.

" behind the wall "

by UNICORNlover200 February 22, 2022

The Wall

The Wall is the point where a woman's attractiveness begins its inevitable decline, usually between the ages of 25 and 30. Post Wall women that are single tend to develop laughably unachievable "standards" for the men they date, complain constantly about their lack of a love life and blame it all on men. They never acknowledge the fact they are in that position because they spent their best years riding the CC instead of finding a good man and settling down. They are now bitter, run through, jaded and used up and will soon lose their ability to reliably have children which makes them completely undesirable to good men. They bring nothing to a relationship, but think they deserve a top 1% man to treat them like a queen.

"Where have all the good men gone?" she asks.
"They're all around, but they just don't want you anymore. You've hit the Wall, and the Wall is undefeated."

by LogicWolf April 1, 2023

The wall

The thing Mexicans have trouble with

Meaning Mexicans can’t do walls duh
Guy : the wall is to hard to get past from

by Sktxhtf June 7, 2019

The Wall

An AMAZING concept album released in '79 that essentially is a rock opera about a jaded musician named Pink (NOT the pop singer) and his figurative wall, formed by his eventual self-imposed isolation.
Their eleventh album overall, it followed 1977's "Animals" and includes the holy songs Another Brick in the Wall (second part), Run Like Hell, and the melancholy Comfortably Numb.

Emo poser: oooo im crying cuz the used & taking back sunday are so emotional
my stupid ass: Look, those are good bands, but maybe you should stop jumping in on trends and take a listen to Comfortably Numb.
Emo poser: noo...i don't like the wall...the black parade beats it by 10x...
my stupid ass: Dipshit.

by 7568ino November 24, 2023

The wall

A term used for dipshits who have no luck when speedrunning

Person 2: I can't belive that idiot used The wall!

by InterGraphenic February 3, 2023

whip a plate at the wall

something nonsensical and somewhat not needed nor effective or ethical

he oncw sat up in his bed yelled Wheres Bulbasaur Then he whip a plate at the wall

by darkclaw wolfgod October 10, 2022