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Everest the bowl

To "Everest the bowl" is when you take a dump so large that it rises above the water in the toilet. As in, the poo piled up and came up out of the water much like Mt. Everest rises above the clouds.

Man...I really had to drop a deuce. It was huge and I totally just Everest the bowl. What's an Everest the bowl? Yeah it's when the poo rises above the water like Mt. Everest rises above the clouds.

by Hack83 December 27, 2018

Iowa Cinnamon Chili Bowl

When a short Puerto Rican migrant worker puts baby powder on dreadlocked pubes followed by her tall, East German partner taking a pube poo and swirling it together.

I can't go out tonight. Esperanza and Jurgen had an Iowa Cinnamon Chili Bowl last night and I have to clean the mess up.

by Bryant Stith Little Fingers November 21, 2023

Nigerian Salad Bowl

the process of dipping a dick into a dirty anus filled with peanut butter and jelly. Then another participant, usually female, licks this mixture off of the head.

We had such a good night last night, we all shared a nigerian salad bowl

by itsmenotjames April 11, 2024

Tallahassee Toilet Bowl

A man having sex with a woman in a bathroom pulls out before he climaxes and cums on the toilet bowl, the woman proceeds to lick it up off the toilet bowl.

While I was giving Shelby the flying squirrel, I pulled out to make her a Tallahassee Toilet Bowl.

by SavageSmack November 15, 2016

Dead bowl

When someone takes a shit and flushes the bowl but then when you walk by it smells like something died in there

My girl Helena straight up took a shit at work and after she flushed it smelled like a dead bowl up in there

by CRRAMS😘 August 2, 2018

Turkey Bowl

"The act of placing one's testicles into a paper bowl in the hopes of turning your team's luck in favor"

Jarod: "Shit, the Indians might actually win the World Series."

- JT: "Fuck, guess I gotta Turkey Bowl it."

by Helloimjosh October 5, 2017

bropez bowl

A game played between two or more guys in which you gain points from having sex with various types of women. The characteristics of the girl and the time & place in which you have sex with her determines the amount of points each player can gain. This game is generally played when a group of friends visit a foreign country because the game is focused on having sex with women of a different nationality than the players.

Alex- "So who actually won the Bropez Bowl this spring break?"

Austin- "I'm not sure. We have to sit down and count our points when we get back home."

by I_S_S_U_E_S January 13, 2016