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Retarded is a word that's offensive towards autistic people, it's a word that used in a negative way towards things even tho it was originally used to describe autistic people. Retarded should be used as a negative word bcs autism isn't negative.. it's not bad it's something people are born with and will always have, its just something that makes someone different NOT in any way negative

So using it to describe things negatively is

✨ offensive ✨
It's like the f or n word only say you only say it if you gay or black
Same with retarded.. Only say it if your autistic.

John: *says litteraly anything else and n retarded*
Everyone: *happy*

by Chunkeater April 28, 2020


verbal abuse is when a lil snowflake finds some way to take something you said offensively

billy: hey, look at that dog over there! its fucking retarded
bob: yeah hahaha
random stranger: hEy ThAtS oFfEnSiVE

by samanth2a March 10, 2020


Noah Welshhans


I am retarded!

by E! Molk ka February 12, 2019


Jared, jared is retarded

jared: Hi guys. hows your day
Everyone: stfu you dumb bitch

jared: ok
everyone: Jared,your so retarded

by jonbene chandler February 26, 2019


Alex murray

Alex Murray is retarded

by Anonymous 234643235 January 18, 2022


Someone named Annette

Annette is retarded she said he stood there like a prejudice and have herself a tan with caster oil

by Josueisadumbass May 1, 2019


Retarded is an other word for fuck me daddy pls I’m indeed ready for your large package to hit my mouth

I’m retarded

by Leansbuski shabashala tusufu July 30, 2021