noun: A person or people who believe in or willingly uphold a Patriarchal focused society, propagating discriminatory principles which have repeatedly been debunked including white supremacy, misogyny, eugenics, bigotry, etc.
Despite what it’s name may suggest, Confederate Trash is representative of an entire problematic narrative instead of a region- so anyone may be considered Confederate Trash anywhere they need to be identified as such! This term can be globally recognized for describing a nuisance brought upon by extremism.
Boy: “Women need to shut their legs if they don’t want problems!”
Girl: “okay Confederate Trash”
The art of hastily throwing your blunt in thr trash to hide from the cops, usually ending in failure.
A poorly rolled blunt.
Man did you get the trash blunt back?
Nah man she gone.
Yo dawg were you high when you rolled this, cause it is one hell of a trash blunt.
When you're not even good enough to be trailer trash, but you still desperately try.
You probably live in a subway car, much the same way as trailer park trash lives in a trailer. Except, you have literally no class.
Bob is Cletus' sub-trailer trash neighbor. Rumor has it, he eats, sleeps, and cooks in his bathroom, which is a hole in the floor of the subway car he lives in. May or may not also be a methhead.
Hipsters that drink shit bourbon and miller high life… aka Bill Clark
Fancy trash might say “Buffalo Trace is basically Jim Beam just overhyped…”
People, typically self proclaimed losers, who are decent people and generally kind hearted but prefer to hang out with more trashy friend groups.
“That guy is a total outcast in his friend group. Decent trash must be a lifestyle or something. At least he looks happy.”
Hey you McDonald's Eating Trash Nugget. Wait I mean Sam
A suburban white girl that lives off her mommy and daddy's money that thinks she's a ghetto that fucks all the white boys that listen to rap hip hop and only shop at prime outlets.
Did you see the skank trash bitches Gretchen and Cristy out with other dudes again. But their outfits are fly.