A lady that can sing and likes to yell at people for having too much fun, also named Lisa.
Hey, twat muffin! Silence!!!
The act of secretly giving yourself total control of your girlfriends remote toy and continually shutting it off mid session
I just found out my boyfriend has been twat throttling me
A UK TikTok LIVE star named Luke Bennett who gets absolutely clowned on by everybody. He sits on the shitter waiting for people to donate gifts in the chat, and when they donate enough gifts he'll get someone from the chat to join the live. This person will proceed to ask him to act something out, usually along the lines of, "What would you do if you found famous footballer doing action in your room of the house?" Luke will mention how the question is a bit strange but he'll act it out anyway. When he gets up to do his performance, the guest on the live will scream the word "CUMBUM!" at him, and he will say "Right we will get you straight off you strange guy" and kick them off.
Person 1: "Some bloke got his arse out on Luke Bennett's live"
Person 2: "I bet the Cumbum Ginger Twat enjoyed that"
the only insult capable of destroying the universe and everyone in it.
an infinity worse than all the ur mom gays and what not.
Thompsonson: ur mom gay
David: ur granny tranny
Gerome: ur cat a twat
*Universe implodes*
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Twittle Twitter Twat The Raisonette Country (Croatia)
An all around bitch who acts like the nicest person to walk this planet and says everything with a condescending tone.
This woman was such a twat blossom, I wanted to punch her in her face and bake her a pie at the same time.
When you jizz in a girl's twat, and all the jizz that's left behind.
Just had a twat nut inside Jessica, and now it's all hot and sticky up in there...