It means hello pull the middle finger for better use
f you howve you been
When you have had enough, done enough, tolerated enough, held it together long enough and you need a day to say F@*k it ALL. Nothing gets done but the bare minimum on this day. Kids feed themselves. Kids feed the pets. Your significant other leaves you alone. Calls don't get answered. Laundry doesn't get done. You get the point. F it!
Sorry, it's my F-day. Ask me tomorrow.
I'm tired of this sh@! I need an F-day.
Last first day abreviation. we use it to name the last first day before graduate from high school
this is our L F D, then I 'll go to medicine university
Literally the worst person ever and a little bitch. Posts lots of shitty memes to the group chat. I hope he goes bye-bye
Hey, have you heard of John F.? Nope, me neither, he's a little bitch tho!
Street drugs/to score or get high
Yo’ Tommi …u got any F’ Floss’ ..for the party tonight?
This is used by BETA MALES, only ALPHA MALES like nicholas cage can say the "F-Bomb" my mom wont let me swear so forgive my anagrams for the "F-Word"
Nick was angry his dad molested him so he called him a "Mother F-er"