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New Boy

1. 2019 buzzword to describe a new significant, dude, or bae other without revealing his name to the public, ie. out of fear that a groupie, or side chick, or mainstream media will pry into ones private life. 2. Term used at a family function or among associates to clearly state that one is taken, while maintaining privacy, to avoid cock-blocking or potential shade being thrown at the new relationship.

Question: So... please tell us, who are you dating?? Answer: "Don't be silly, I will never say his name, just call him "newboy" !
"I call him new boy because his name is none of your business! ?

by Lady Tecniq September 1, 2018

Lego Boy

A Lego Boy is someone who as a child had interests in Legos, Bionicles, lincoln logs, build heavy toys. And continued to enjoy these activities when it was a bit too old to be liking them. Very thoughtful, outside of the box thinkers. Creative. A Lego Boy typically goes into 1 of 3 career types, STEM (science, engineering, math, etc.), trades (electrical, plumbing, construction, etc.), arts (drawing, animation, architecture, etc.). Lego Boys are emotional in a sense but are logical thinkers. They have very high standards for themselves, if something goes wrong they think about it for the next 2 weeks.

Girl: “My boyfriend won’t stop playing with those damn legos, and everytime i’m upset and he asks what’s wrong he stops after 3 times!”
Girl2: “Looks like you got your hands on one of them Lego Boys, keep that mans.”

by misatolikesbeer April 4, 2023

Simp boi


Karim est un simp boi.

by JoPepperJo April 12, 2020

Cathedral Boy

What Bobby Brown called Ronnie DeVeo in a The New Edition Story.

Bobby: Man I don't know if a cathedral boy can mess with us OP boys.

by Eva_uwu December 4, 2020

Pugach boys

Getting mauled on the way to the bathroom by 6 guys

Bro I just got Pugach boyed, almost got my ass handed to me. ;)
Just got assaulted, Pugach boys were obviously there.

by Lovetheboys January 2, 2021

illuminati boy

a user on stan twitter, who hates ice cream, is always horny but is funny too tho.

illuminati boy is horny again

by stan twt user October 11, 2020

alma boy

a cool nice kid who picks his nose in side out and plays with his memes. also lurks in the dark.

the alma boy is a laddy magnet

by mememememe p00p 369 October 8, 2020