A man who claims to be a woman but still has a beard
Hey look at that chick, I think it's a dude, check out the beard. Definite goat chicken
jackmase yaint even frag bruh yaint the goat of frag like me bruh
An employee who performs all the demeaning but no less important tasks at their place of employment. This person is usually young, obedient, and malleable. They are "yes" people who know where everything is, and posses a "lifer" like disposition. Their wage is considered overhead because when overly busy, they accomplish too many different types of tasks and jobs in one day to be categorized to any specific Work Order to be billed. A Shop Goat is usually dirty and sweaty from working hard. They are usually made from high school drop-outs or fatherless children. They are usually easily taken advantage of and will perform the lowest of tasks unrelated to The Company such as feeding the dog (in reference to their employers pets).
I'm not sure why Johnnie continues to put up with his job when they don't value Him, they just need a shop goat. His potential is pigeonholed!
The best furry youtuber. The cutest goat! You should sub to him on youtube, he would really like that OwO
Damien The Goat is the best youtuber, and is very cute.
A Flaming Goat is an old gay dude crossdresser. Mostly used in the deep south in the 70's and 80's.
"Hey man, did you know Chester's grand daddy is a Flaming Goat? On Saturday night he puts on a pair of crotchless panties and a push up bra and hangs out at the bus station given' out BJ's!!"
roman was here and roman is SHIT
roman is goated at video games, (NOT) he's shit
A sugar baby who doesn’t have a future.
My 46 year friend is dating a Raw Goat.