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Jake likes to suck grandmas while screaming like a bitch

Jake sucks alexs grandma while screaming like a bitch

by Jake2.0 February 16, 2024


a poopy diaper baby simp

Don't be a Jake

by notjakenihei November 3, 2021


Jake is mostly know as a complete bender with most people and all the others dont really acknowlege his existence.
A jake usually has a tiny cock and is a complete wet cake.
Girl 1: jeez look at that guy he is soo ugly
Girl 2 : I bet he is a jake he probably has a tiny cock!

Wow my dick is small people are going to think my name is jake

by Shuff885 November 23, 2021


A sensitive and sweet person that cannot hurt anyone.A person that deserves the whole world

:who deserves the world?

by Iceskat3_ November 20, 2021


This is the best name that one could ever have, because it is superior to to all other name.

Man, Jake is such as great name, because everyone that I know named Jake are the best

by Notmyrealnameplsdontuseurname April 4, 2019


A sensitive and sweet person that will never hurt you.A person that deserves the whole world<3

:Who deserves the world?

by Iceskat3_ November 20, 2021


Jake Is Jacob Aka Jayingee A Great Youtuber Hes Friends With Flamingo Aka Albert Aretz

jake jayingee jacob

by beyourselfanddowhatever December 22, 2020