Source Code

James Lee

A hairy ogre who thinks going to Augsburg College and playing baseball there is impressive. You’re not gonna make it to the MLB, you’re not good enough to make it. Also posts stupid ass Snapchat stories that involve “I’ve returned home” even though he goes to school in St. Paul and loves in West Saint Paul or “Canes keeps me going” even though he is already overweight.

Damn I️ wish I️ was as cool as James Lee, said no one ever.

by Johnnylong6996 January 21, 2018

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James McCarthy

A simp who ‘doesn’t want to argue with the boys’ but still argues

James McCarthy is a simp James puts the hoes before the bros

by Shane who was right August 31, 2020

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James Doss

-A name that usually means handsome or Good looking with a kind and loving heart who cares for others but this name is very special to someone.

James Doss the most kind and handsome person.

by HATDOOOOG! September 28, 2018

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james pepper

a well cool person that loves to look at miss stantons arse (tech teacher) and sing in tech as we all no from last lesson when he sung an amazing version of 'i dont wanna no'.

ur not uncool in the slightest

by guess? May 26, 2004

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james pepper

someone who eats samosas and calls them jamaican patties.

(theyr indian not jamaican, james)

by ... May 28, 2004

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James Geraghty

(N): Jim Geraghty (pronounced: Gare-uh-tee)of the handsomus Mawfahkuhian phylum is rarely seen in the wild these days, he usually spends his time hunting and gathering reconciliations, which he is quite akeen to, being able to determine issues on pure feel as opposed to sight. Also possessing an unbelievalbly large dome, he is incapable of fitting hats which made him very sad on graduation day. He posses a high trivia accumen thereby not being succeptible to being tronned very easily.

In reccent years the term has morphed more into a state of being than personified in the flesh. Whereupon to be "Geraghtyian" means to be cool beyond belief.

James Geraghty is like Jesus, insomuch as they were both cool cats.

by I'm Grizzly Adams.......bitches. March 31, 2005

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James Charles

An internet celebrity who uses the clout of others for personal gain and uses their own clout to sexually assault individuals who reject their advances

Cannot take no for an answer typically a self absorbed individual

No one should get a James Charles

by Mr bigglesworth May 13, 2019

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