Source Code

solar moment

a moment where solar does something really really really really really really really really really really really really dumb and stupid and solars a spaz

"i accidentally stuck my leg up my ass" solar moment!! <33

by longturd101 January 12, 2022

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Helen moment

When your mum is called Helen and she calls you so you have to mute your mic on discord so silly Helen doesn’t say anything that you don’t want your friends to hear

Person 1: My mum Helen shouted at me that it was time for dinner
Person 2: ahhh a Helen moment

by 123jammyy December 2, 2020

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forward moments

those moments in life where you are looking forward to doing anything else except what you are doing right then and there.

When you are at work watching the cubical fall in around you. Waiting for the forward moments, (looking forward to the moment it is 5:00pm, looking forward to the moment to have an ice cold beer, etc...)

by trecutter December 9, 2007

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Dream Moment

When a person fakes a speedrun or remakes content, slightly tweaking it.

Person 1: Bro i just faked a speedrun, i wonder if they will fall for it
Person 2: idk man that’s kind of a Dream Moment

by Luigi Jumpman Mario March 3, 2021

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anika moment

spilling your boba in the mall right in front of the store seconds after you received it in your hands

β€œaw man I just had an anika moment”

by yomommmaa696969 March 27, 2023

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AceBanned Moment

When you have a choice, and you make the unequivocally worst choice of the options

"Oh, what are you doing?"
"I'm trying to pick whether to go on a run or to order a pizza"
"Go with your gut! Have an AceBanned Moment!"
"2 pizzas it is!"

by AceBanned May 9, 2023

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meghan moment

The moment a woman realises it is time to put her feminist principles aside in order to snare a rich businessman, prince or other VIP.

"Did you see that guy climb out of his Ferrari? I'm having a meghan moment!"

by Andy JP May 28, 2019

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