when ur high as and trying to ask someone if they have snap chat, also could be used as a pick up line.
“u fir sbap?”
“what does that even mean?”
To do something utterly disgusting but also required. The expression came about when a guy was sharing a small hotel room with his new girlfriend. After passing a stool in the morning, he discovered that the flush didn't work. Rather than face the embarrassment of letting his new flame witness his morning defecation, he dropped to his knees, grabbed the turd and manually fed it through the u-bend.
"I really don't want to do this but I've got to feed the u"
Affirmative grunt, agreeance; acceptance, something yummy or tasty.
A moan of delight.
Friend: "Hey, do you like that apple pie?"
You: " (u)Mm h(u)m!"
"bro are u even able"
verb:// Filling all usable space in an object.
Evan's mom, at the bingo hall next to Taco Shack, hooked up with Carlos and Juan. They went went back the rent by the hour hotel and had Mexican U-Haul with all of Juans' friends.....2 in the front, 15 in the rear.