Smoking weed in a convertible. The opposite of a Hot Box.
We rode around in Kathy’s mom’s Cabrio. We decided to cold bowl it so the upholstery wouldn’t smell. I froze my ass off and got ash in my eye.
When Ryan & Stefon meet in the finals.
I heard there’s two Apes in the Bannana Bowl this year.
A bowl of weed with droplets of wax buried within.
Hey man, you wanna smoke a badger bowl?
A fat ugly ass mother fucker that loves to ride dick and fist his ass hole. He loves to ride his bfs dick and put his balls in his ass.
Is that a killer wale with legs? Oh wait it’s Colton Bowling
A guy with a bowl cut who usually is salty and on his man period
"Damn have you seen Kaphf's bowl?"
When a man cums into a females mouth then dips his balls in her mouth like a bowl of cereal
Hey hun wanna do The Cereal Bowl tonight?
When the muscles of the vagina are cut in a bowl shape, and are stacked on top of each other.
Bill: Mary and Jane had a Bowl Stacking session.
Tom: Damn how will they have sex now?