eats scorpions, stands on dead bees, walks off beds.
did you see that guy, he is such a john webster
It is something to say if someone is making excuses to win an argument or the reason they lost a game.
Person one: Zero suit up b kill's bowser at 70?!!
Reggie: Please no johns.
1. Name often used during arguements to show ones displeasure at anothers opinion. Often used at the final resolution of said arguement.
2. Football from Trinidad & Tobago, currently playing for Crystal Palace.
After checking on line Daniel says "There you go, Paris is the capital of france, how'd you like that Stern John"
A drink for the elite class, the John Denver is not for the light hearted or weak livered. The drink consists of a Super Troopers inspired maple syrup chug, followed immediately by a shotgunned beer.
Dude, i did three John Denvers last night. I need to go to the hospital and get checked for diabetes because of The John Denver.
An Italian mob master from Sicily.
Eats pasta for lunch, drinks milk for dinner, works like a lil bitch.
Goes wild every weekend and drinks pop instead of milk.
Often fires up the Jets to fuck bitches, drug snitches and hunt witches.
Worker 1: Where’s John deVairo at?
Worker 2: He’s firing up the Jets
Basically John Cena but speaking chinese.
bing chilling John Xina