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A loser who excels in school and doesn’t get pussy.

They believe that life is measured in knowledge or job titles, but are unaware of the only true measurement: poontang.

“Can you believe that Charles is a nerd now? He spent all week preparing for his Chemistry Exam.”

by Not-a-fucking-nerd August 17, 2018


The synonym to Lauren

Person 1: “why that person is such a nerd.”
Person 2:”I bet it is Lauren.”

by Pineapplesucker December 16, 2018


People who try to make urban dictionary appropriate

Fuckin nerd

by Nut funny man January 31, 2023


My little brother Nicolas Morales

Wow my brother is such a nerd he is cookie at Minecraft

by Thebrosdn November 28, 2021


a baddie who hates homeless people and buys rolexes

im a nerd and my name is joshehh

by daylight0806 June 12, 2022


anyone who is named nathaniel

nate is a nerd

by danaknight427 June 7, 2019


The opposite of a geek. Someone you don't want to be since they often don't follow the rule of K.I.S.S .

"If you can't explain it, you don't know it well enough." ~Albert Einstein

Nerd: *overexplains something that could be shortened easily, or says a subtle insult/joke that only 1% will get and 99% will just say "what" and laugh at the nerd trying so hard to make sense or be taken seriously*

Geek: Nerd. Keep It Simple Stupid.

by bumerhoomorr34 March 9, 2021