A loser who excels in school and doesn’t get pussy.
They believe that life is measured in knowledge or job titles, but are unaware of the only true measurement: poontang.
“Can you believe that Charles is a nerd now? He spent all week preparing for his Chemistry Exam.”
Person 1: “why that person is such a nerd.”
Person 2:”I bet it is Lauren.”
My little brother Nicolas Morales
Wow my brother is such a nerd he is cookie at Minecraft
a baddie who hates homeless people and buys rolexes
im a nerd and my name is joshehh
The opposite of a geek. Someone you don't want to be since they often don't follow the rule of K.I.S.S .
"If you can't explain it, you don't know it well enough." ~Albert Einstein
Nerd: *overexplains something that could be shortened easily, or says a subtle insult/joke that only 1% will get and 99% will just say "what" and laugh at the nerd trying so hard to make sense or be taken seriously*
Geek: Nerd. Keep It Simple Stupid.