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The Pink Sky At Night

The Pink Sky At Night, also known as TPSAN, is the coolest band ever. It's memebers are Lindsay, Laura, Jess, Mo, and Meghan. The TPSAN call is as followed: WALMART, WEGMAN'S, WHAT UP, G-UNIIT! The band was founded June 2003. Ute tigha watoka!

Are you going to the The Pink Sky At Night concert? I wouldn't miss it!

by Jess December 6, 2003

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Late Night Brain Syndrome

The condition of your brain in which late at night you think of things that make you sad, such as memories with an Ex or just fun times that you wish you could repeat and relive forever.
It also includes thinking of someone you like, but knowing that they don't like you back, or you're too afraid to find out if they do or not, therefore, you will never get to be with them.

Jay: I am sad.
Ashlynn: Why's that?
Jay: My Late Night Brain Syndrome is kicking in. All I want to do is sleep but I can't stop thinking.

by Nickkzor99 April 11, 2012

good fight, good night

A phrase coined by Jonny Gomez, A commentator on MTV's old 'celebrity deathmatch' show

Nick Diamond: We really saw some ass kicking here!
Jonny Gomez: We sure did, Nick. So until next time, Good fight, good night.

by Jonny Jewsalot March 8, 2004

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Saturday Night Live

In the "hobbyist" community, describes an escort who is or appears to be "not ready for prime time", or under 18. Usually given as a warning on online escort review boards and sometimes shortened to "SNL". Sometimes the board autocorrects the typed word "underage" to Saturday Night Live to throw off LE (Law Enforcement).

"Be careful of this one; she's very pretty of course but definitely looks Saturday Night Live."

by John the Punter April 16, 2012

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Sunday Night Slow Jams

Sunday night slow jams is hardly music and just people trying to get back w their ex. It plays on most radio stations on sunday night at 8.

Zack: hey turn on the radio
millie: but sunday night slow jams is playing
*awkward silence*
the radio out of no where after a song is done; SUndAy NigHt SLoW jAAAAAAAAMSSSSsss

by kaiya sherman the dickface October 5, 2020

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princess by day, slut by night

A 'Princess' is an adult woman who is submissive to men they consider to be dominant over them (such as Daddies). The point of being a Princess is the love of being admired, listened to, respected, honored, served, and pampered. The extension of that role is the 'Princess by Day, Slut by Night.' This complementary side of the 'Princess' is when after being completely cared for and treated like royalty by her Dominant, that she willingly becomes a dirty slut to likewise honor in kind whatever her man is in the mood for afterward. Her ability to be the dirty, nasty slut that he loves is dependent on his honoring her wishes and providing for her beforehand.

Her: "I think maybe we should go to fav bistro for lunch... What do you think?"
Him: "Of course my Princess by Day, Slut by night, whatever you're hungry for sounds fantastic."
Him: "Since the moon is full, maybe we should drive up to the secluded canyon and hike naked up to that one rock that I like to bend you over?"
Her: "Do you want me to paint my tits and ass with that glow-in-the-dark body-paint again?"
Him: "Do it with neon green this time!"

by Chelsea Babe September 17, 2018

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Let's make it a Blockbuster night

Typically used as an alternative for those of the older generation who are still stuck in 20th century, but still want to ask their partner to "Netflix and chill." Instead of committing to a $8.99 per month subscription for Netflix to have sexual relations with one's partner(s), by "making it a blockbuster night" they are only submitting a one time lesser payment for a movie. This movie will be an extremely boring one, but it serves simply to provide background noise while the 2 (or more) engage in sexual relations.

Old Partner 1: Hey girl(s), you sure turn me on. Netflix and chill?

Old Partner(s) 2: I'd/we'd love to, but $8.99 per month is too expensive. Let's make it a Blockbuster night!

Old Partner 1: Wow, what a great idea! That way, we don't have to adapt to today's standards of movie watching, and we don't have to pay $8.99 per month for a Netflix subscription!

**Proceeds to rent a boring movie from Blockbuster and retires to the host's house**

by A tortured student December 3, 2015