Employees that suck on the wood penis on the Boss ....aka buttsniffers, suckass
Damnit I tired of all the "Who's choking on the splinters" types around work.
when ur playing volleyball and u suck so every time you hit the ball it goes who the heck outta nowhere
When on hearing the sound of the number π, an autistic person or idiot savant thinks of a slice of a cake or pizza instead, or equates either word for something else that is unmistakably alien or paranormal.
Just as the man who mixed up his job for his life, Prof. Paulos, who mildly suffers from schizophrenia, occasionally sounds like the man who mistook pi for pie.
Typically said by men at the peak of human athleticism, it is said as a waiting call for this who want “a fucking burger”.
Walks into the room “who wants a fucking burger”.
Some one who is actin like a hoe and doesn't shut there mouth spilled a super TOP secret info and now that info is being spread like peanut butter all over toast.
Me: yo biss who let the cat outta da BAG
Stupid boy: me 😟👉👈