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Mind Fuck

When you shove a shocker in both holes of a woman.

“Hey Garrett, how’d last night go?”

“I mind fucked the shit out of her!”

by TeddyRuckSpun January 20, 2021

Mind fuck

the time where you zone out thinking about Fucking someone you know you will never get with usually with a smile on your face a nd a blank stare

Dude! you were totally mind fucking that girl and she saw you staring!

by Crazychris April 14, 2014

Mind Fuck

Where you are confusing someone in any sexual way possible

If the mom fucked the dad and had two kids boy and girl and the boy fucked the mom and the girl fucked the mom the children of the mom and boy is called the dad then who is the real dad if none of this was real....mind fucked

by Fuck mined,being confused December 28, 2011

Fuck Bitch

A female fuck nigga. An angry and contentious woman, who will destroy her own household info structure, because she is mad at someone for no apparent reason, who hates men and are always trying to fight and destroy a man or another woman for no apparent reason. Selfish and self-centered.

I thought Anitra was my friend and that she was cool, but when we started living together, she turned out to be just another one of those, over controlling, selfish self-centered, fuck bitches, who are crazy as fuck.

by The Lil Retarded Kid July 1, 2022

Fuck Bitch

A douchey flaming homo who is usually to busy being a shit bag, dick sucking queer to anything useful. Will usually respond to Keith or SGT Lewis

Can't stand that fuck bitch. Keith sucks.

by Pepe Torner June 28, 2017

Fucked by a rhino

To be kicked in the small of the back without warning and appropriately named after a charging rhino rearing up and planting it's horn right up in the small of your back, kicked without warning usually extremely painful especially if you're over 18

Yo dude I'm sorry
How did you kick me so hard
I don't know what did it feel like, being Fucked by a rhino.

by Cody5050 December 23, 2021

Fucking Draper

Drink - Alcoholic

Usually preceeded by the words: "I'M FUCKING READY, WHO THE FUCKS READY, I'M FUCKING READY"

1 pint of Stella Artois with a double Sambuca.

Mixed in the same glass.

To be drunk immediately, in one.

"Bartender.... one Fucking Draper please"


by ifuckpeople October 28, 2011