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shoosh up about that k?

shoosh up about that k? simply means to be quiet about something. someone can be told to shoosh up about that if they are being noisy or even is they not doing anything at all.

shoosh up about that k? dunt matter but just shoosh k?
shoosh up about that noodle winkleman k?
No about that just make sure you shoosh up.

by babymen January 27, 2012

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Slick Move K-Y

A phrase used to tell someone how bad a decision they made or how clumsy they were in doing something.

Sister brining in a plate of hot nachos to enjoy some TV, and then the sister drops them on the floor because she lost her balance.

Brother: Oh Slick move K-Y!!!!

Similar to Smooth Move Exlax

by Spaghettios Uh OH June 26, 2011

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K Dot

The word K dot originates from the word K which is a slang term for ok. Adding dot on the end to the word K dot makes it a sarcastic and negative comment. It is the opposite of the word ok it means you are clearly not ok and have chosen to be very out spoken and distasteful about doing so. This word is most commonly used by bitches and people with no respect for the people or person they are talking too.

Millie: I don't think our friendship is working out I think your an awesome person we just aren't meant to be friends at this point in our lives.

Chloe: K Dot ( walks away)

by UrbanDictionary10962 December 10, 2019

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C u c k

the word c u c k. it means the girl has more power and it demeans them!

Girl a: did you see how Emili c u c k e d billy last night
Girl b: I know I heard it!

by Imnotyourgranpaanymore August 12, 2020

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Krazy with a k :P

yusaf ahmed is krazy hahahahaha and giggles digs sabrena. you know like i know :P

Krazy with a k :P who else would ask the guy in the noodle bar does the chilli liquid make you suffer from the ring of fire and burn your arse ahahahhaha

by Giggles :P March 28, 2013

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The Coterie of the Elusive Letter, K

Roughly translated as "The clique that loves the letter k, which is not caught easily." The name of an imaginary band that would be real if we all lived together.

Person A: Have you heard of that awesome band, the Coterie of the Elusive Letter, K?
Person B: No.
Person C: They don't really exist... but they would if the Coterie lived in the same country. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I AM PERSON C!!!!!

by Tollie December 31, 2005

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Zoe h and Hayden k

Typically one of them relationships where some may find odd but is totally magic. The way those lovers go at it dam baby.

Zoe h and Hayden k relationship is goal like. Those lovers typically are awesome.

by Rosco4575 January 8, 2022